December 7, 2007



ARD, Inc. ( has become leader in the land tenure and property rights (LTPR) “practice area” for the United States Government. Our land tenure and property rights work includes land policy, land tenure legal reform, conflict and disputes resolution, broadening land access including land reform and resettlement, land administration, land markets, land use planning and natural resource property rights. This practice area continues to grow, and to meet immediate programming and technical needs, ARD seeks a highly qualified, home office-based Chief of Party with:

-- Excellent personnel and team participation, management and coordination skills;
-- Significant USAID programming experience and support to USAID operating units - this includes work plan development, SOW development, results-based reporting, and financial/budget management;
-- Broad general knowledge of international development programming work, particularly in natural resources management, agricultural development, rural finance, land use planning, and natural resource management;
-- Specific knowledge of the role of property rights in development programming in at least one specific technical subject, and in at least one or two USAID programming regions;
-- Field level experience with residence in developing countries, as well as short-term technical assignments;
-- Excellent public relations, communication, and client management skills; and
-- The necessary skills to ensure the coherence and consistency of product and performance of technical and support personnel under tight deadlines.

The successful candidate will meet at least the following minimum qualifications in addition to those above:

-- Minimum Masters Degree in a field directly related to property rights (natural/land resources, anthropology; rural sociology, agriculture economics, and/or law).
-- Ten years or more of progressively responsible work in managing and implementing land tenure, land reform, and/or natural resource governance programs;
-- Five years of progressively responsible supervisory work including direct supervision of professional and support staff; and assembling teams of natural resource management, land tenure, property rights, gender and/or resource governance professionals to respond to complex assignments;
-- At least four years of substantial managerial and technical experience in natural resource management sector issues (water, forestry, wildlife, watersheds, land use planning, pastures, etc.), with broad geographic experience;
-- At least one foreign language, preferably French/Spanish/Arabic;
-- Proposal development, proposal management and MCC programming experience are a plus.

To apply:
Please email current curriculum vitae (CV) in reverse chronological format to Please refer to COP-PRRG in the subject line.
Applicants must complete the U.S. Department of Labor’s Equal Employment Opportunity form (available at using Job Code: COP-PRRG.
Applications that do not meet the minimum requirements listed above will not be considered. No phone calls will be accepted.
ARD, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Closing Date: Open

October 15, 2007

On October 15th - Blog Action Day - bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone's mind. In its inaugural year, Blog Action Day will be co-ordinating bloggers to tackle the issue of the environment. For our part we will be providing just a few links to commons related/environmental websites, but there are many more, so please visit and do your part. Thanks.

September 13, 2007

ESF/ESA/ESPI Conference
Humans in Outer Space – Interdisciplinary Odysseys
Vienna, Konzerthaus
11‐12 October 2007

The space‐faring nations are heading for the human exploration of the Moon, Mars and Near‐Earth Objects. They might be soon prepared with regards technology development. But they also need to benefit from the humanities (history, philosophy, anthropology), the arts as well as the social sciences (political science, economics, law).

This conference, co‐organised by the European Science Foundation (ESF), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) will be the first comprehensive trans‐disciplinary dialogue on humans in outer space. It will go further than regarding humans as mere tools for exploration, or better robots, and will investigate the human quest for odysseys beyond the atmosphere and reflect on the possibilities to find extraterrestrial life.

The conference shall open up new perspectives in assessing humankind’s present and future outside the Earth and document this in a “Vienna Vision on Humans in Outer Space”.

Conference web site‐areas/space/activities/inif‐activities.html

Draft Programme

Thursday, 11 October
10.00 – 10.15 Welcome by the Chairmen of the Programme Committee -- BMVIT, Codignola, Schrogl
Introduction of the ESF project -- van Donzel, Worms

10.15 – 11.45 Setting the scene ‐ Keynotes -- Moderator: Codignola
Encounters -- TBA
Are we alone? Searching for life in the universe and its creation -- Haerendel
Space and religion -- Tanzella‐Nitti TBA

11.45 – 12.15 Space and the movies -- Ballhausen

12.15 – 12.30 Next Generation Visions for the Next 50 Years in Space -- Lukaszczyk

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.15 Can we compare? -- Moderator: van Donzel
Exploration in the 16th century -- Muldoon
Exploration inside the human being -- Palsson
Better drop analogies -- TBA

15.15 – 15.30 Break

15.30 – 17.00 Spatiality ‐ Space as a source of inspiration -- Moderator: Francis
How we talk and write about space -- Landfester
Marketing and branding space -- Keck
Inspiration through international cooperation -- Peter

19.00 Dinner at Heurigen

Friday, 12 October
09.00 – 10.30 First Odyssey: Humans around the Earth ‐ what effect does it have? -- Moderator: Egli
With the eyes of an astronaut -- Nicollier
Human spaceflight, technology development and innovation -- Tremayne‐Smith
Human‐machine cooperation in space environments -- Cortellessa
Space law in the age of ISS -- von der Dunk
The view we get from outer space -- TBA

10.30 – 11.00 Break

11.00 – 12.30 Second Odyssey: Humans in exploration ‐ what effects will it have? -- Moderator: Swings
Humans – more than the better robots for exploration -- Baumjohann
Philosophy of humans leaving the Earth -- Arnould
Human spaceflight as a matter of culture and national vision -- Lingner
In need of a legal framework for exploration -- Bohlmann

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 15.00 Third Odyssey: Humans leaving the Earth ‐ why we should think! -- Moderator: Worms
Mars as a place to live? -- Horneck
Religion and the question: what happens, if we meet somebody out there? -- Musso
E.T. Culture -- Battaglia
SETI: social effects of a confirmed positive detection -- Wason TBA

15.00 – 16.00 Reports by session moderators – Conclusions:
The Vienna Vision on Humans in Outer Space -- Moderator: Schrogl

February 21, 2007

« Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI, France) » University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL, Belgium)


University of Paris X (France)

Refgov project

Two Post-doctoral or Research fellow positions on the “biodiversity governance and global public goods” program

Partner institutions of the Refgov network offer two post-doctoral or research fellows for working in an international project on biodiversity governance and global public goods (1 year, extendible contingent on funding).

The project is part of a European project of 29 universities on reflexive governance (FP6, REFGOV, The objective of the research on biodiversity in this network is to analyse and build institutional support for collective action in the field of sustainable management of natural resources.


The researcher will work in a European network of research institutions on governance, develop background research for the project and prepare background documents for an international workshop. The working language is English.

The candidate should have obtained a doctorate (or show equivalent level of competence) in a field related to environmental governance with one of the following specialisations:

(1) institutional economics of environmental goods provision

(2) socio-economic and / or legal analysis of forest biodiversity and/or agro-environmental policies

(3) environmental impact assessment of biodiversity related policies, including the use of sustainability indicators

The first fellow will work at IDDRI Montpellier and/or IDDRI Paris. He will do field work on the implementation of European environmental policies in one of the Balkan countries, upon best convenience for accomplishing the research. Practical experience in one the Balkan countries is a plus.

The second fellow will work at EconomiX/Paris X (France) or at the BIOGOV Unit/Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL, Belgium) and will be more generally in charge of economic and/or legal analysis in one of the three above mentioned fields of specialisation.

START DATE : as soon as possible (from 15th of March), but no later than 1st of October 2007 for the IDDRI position; October to December 2007 for the EconomiX/UCL position

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Please send CV, a letter explaining research interests and plans for writing during your fellowship and at least one paper or other suitable evidence of scholarship, as e-mail attachment, to Selim Louafi at, Tom Dedeurwaerdere at and Eric Brousseau at

Final deadline for applications is March 10th, 2007.

Additional information about the general context of the research can be found at

January 23, 2007

Strategic Project Director

The Penobscot East Resource Center seeks an experienced Project Director to lead the Downeast Initiative, a groundbreaking pilot program in community-based management to rebuild the groundfishery in the eastern Gulf of Maine. The project director will secure federal regulatory policy support. Responsibilities include developing and implementing a campaign strategy that will result in the approval of the program by the New England Fisheries Management Council. This job position will be located in Stonington, Maine.

A master’s degree in fisheries or environmental policy, a law degree, or comparable experience required. Candidates should send a letter of interest and a detailed resume to Robin Alden, Penobscot East Resource Center, PO Box 27, Stonington, ME 04681, or to Job description posted at

January 15, 2007

Journées d’études

La "mise en patrimoine" de l’eau :

une perspective interdisciplinaire

organisées par le GDR « rés-eau-ville » (GDR 2524 du CNRS) et le Centre EREIA (EA 4026, Université d’Artois)

Arras, Université d’Artois, Bâtiment des Arts

Vendredi 9 et Samedi 10 mars 2007

Entrée libre sur réservation

Renseignements et réservations

Nadine Hubert : + 33 (0)3 21 60 37 62 ou

La « mise en patrimoine de l’eau »: une perspective interdisciplinaire

Vendredi 9 et Samedi 10 mars 2007,

Arras, Université d’Artois

Exposé de la thématique et présentation du programme:

Depuis quelques années on assiste, parallèlement à la diffusion du concept de développement durable, à une patrimonialisation de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles dans les discours comme dans les textes juridiques de portée nationale et internationale. L’eau n’échappe pas à cette tendance lourde et la loi française sur l’eau de 1992, tout comme la directive cadre européenne sur l’eau de 2000 reconnaissent à cette ressource un caractère patrimonial. Toutefois, la directive cadre stipule que « L’eau n’est pas un bien marchand comme les autres mais un patrimoine qu’il faut protéger et gérer », soulignant que l’eau est à la fois un bien marchand (certes différent des autres) et un patrimoine…

L’objectif de ces journées d’études est de fournir un lieu pour confronter la manière dont cette patrimonialisation des ressources en eau a été analysée par les disciplines de sciences humaines, sociales et juridiques. Que recouvre précisément la notion de patrimoine dans le domaine de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles ? Quelles sont les implications du passage de la notion de patrimoine à celle de patrimoine commun ? Peut-on étudier le patrimoine indépendamment de toute référence au cadre marchand ? Quelles sont les implications de la patrimonialisation des ressources en eau pour la gestion des ressources, mais aussi des réseaux d’eau ?

D’un point de vue opérationnel, de nombreux travaux ont été menés sur le thème de la gestion patrimoniale des ressources naturelles et de l’environnement dans les pays développés, comme dans les pays en développement. Cependant, dans quelle mesure peut-on qualifier la gestion des ressources en eau de gestion patrimoniale ? Dans quelles configurations ? Comment la gestion patrimoniale s’articule-t-elle à la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau ? Sur quels territoires cette patrimonialisation opère-t-elle ?

Toutes ces questions seront abordées à l’occasion des quatre sessions organisées lors de la première journée. D’abord, nous effectuerons un cadrage sémantique et épistémologique de la notion de patrimoine dans le domaine de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles. Puis, en resserrant progressivement notre champ d’étude, nous analyserons les implications de la qualification de l’eau comme patrimoine. Enfin, les deux dernières sessions examineront, à partir d’études de cas, la manière dont la gestion patrimoniale des ressources en eau est conduite dans plusieurs pays en développement et dans des pays occidentaux avec une démarche comparative.

La seconde journée sera l’occasion d’une visite de terrain, comme lors des précédents rendez-vous scientifiques du GDR rés-eau-ville. La visite projetée est une visite du territoire des wateringues du Nord-Pas-de-Calais (situés dans la plaine maritime des Flandres, c’est-à-dire dans le triangle St Omer, Calais, Dunkerque). Le territoire des wateringues révèle une configuration spatiale et institutionnelle singulière orientée depuis plusieurs siècles sur la gestion des risques liés à l’eau. Envahi à l’origine par la mer, le territoire des wateringues fut mis hors d’eau par différents travaux à partir du 12ème siècle. Il s’agit aujourd’hui d’une vaste plaine maritime dont le

niveau moyen des terres est inférieur au niveau moyen des plus hautes mers. Un ensemble complexe de fossés, de watergangs, de canaux, d’écluses, de portes à la mer et de pompes permet l’évacuation de l’eau de surface face à la mer. L’ensemble du dispositif, constitué et amélioré au fil des siècles, est destiné à évacuer les eaux à la mer, faire barrage aux entrées d’eau marine à marée haute et lors de surcotes exceptionnelles, maintenir le plan d’eau à un niveau constant dans les terres en périodes humides et retenir l’eau douce en périodes sèches.

Présentation du comité d’organisation :

Coordinateur : Olivier Petit, économiste, Centre EREIA, Université d’Artois, Arras.

Comité d’organisation scientifique

Catherine Baron, socio-économiste, Lereps-Gres, Universités Toulouse I et II, Toulouse

Nadia Belaïdi, juriste, CNRS PRODIG, Paris

Iratxe Calvo-Mendieta, économiste, IMN, ULCO, Dunkerque

Catherine Carré, géographe, LADYSS, Université Paris I, Paris

Agathe Euzen, anthropologue, CNRS PRODIG, Paris

Jean Paul Haghe, géographe, PRODIG, IUFM de Caen

Graciela Schneier-Madanes, architecte-géographe, CNRS CREDAL, Paris

Comité scientifique d’évaluation

Federico Aguilera-Klink, Professeur d’économie à l’Université de la Laguna , Tenerife, Espagne.

Pierre Bauby, Chercheur en économie-gestion au Laboratoire d’Economie Dyonisien (LED), Université de Paris VIII.

Stéphane Callens, Professeur d’économie, Directeur du Centre EREIA, Université d’Artois, Arras.

Henri Coing, Professeur émérite de sociologie à l’université Paris XII - Val-de-Marne.

Hubert Gérardin, Maître de Conférences en économie, Rédacteur en chef de la revue Mondes en développement, Laboratoire Beta, Université de Nancy II.

Corinne Larrue, Professeur d’aménagement, Centre de recherches Ville Société Territoire, Université de Tours.

Patrice Mélé, Maître de Conférences en géographe, Centre de recherches Ville Société Territoire, Université de Tours.

Bruno Villalba, Maître de Conférences en sciences politiques, Laboratoire CERAPS-Lille II, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lille.

Franck Dominique Vivien, Maître de Conférences en économie, Laboratoire HERMES, Université de Reims.

Programme prévisionnel :

Vendredi 9 mars 2007 (Université d’Artois, Arras)

9 heures : Ouverture (Président de l’Université d’Artois, Directrice du GDR rés-eau-ville, les organisateurs)

9 h 15 : 1ère session : Cadrage sémantique et épistémologique de la notion de patrimoine dans le domaine de l’environnement

- Franck-Dominique Vivien (Maître de Conférences en économie, Université de Reims, Laboratoire HERMES, Reims) : « Pour une économie patrimoniale appliquée à l’environnement et aux ressources naturelles ».

- Olivier Barrière (Chargé de recherches en anthropologie juridique à l’IRD, US "Espace", Montpellier) : « Une approche patrimoniale appliquée aux questions foncières et environnementales dans les pays en développement ».

10 h 45 : Pause-café

11 h 00 : 2ème session : La qualification de l’eau comme patrimoine : entre patrimoine conçu et patrimoine construit

- Catherine Baron (socio-économiste, Professeur d’aménagement,

Universités de Toulouse 1 et 2), Nadia Belaïdi (Chargée de recherches en droit international au CNRS, Laboratoire PRODIG, Paris), Agathe Euzen (Chargée de recherches en anthropologie au CNRS, Laboratoire PRODIG, Paris) : « Le statut de la "ressource" à travers la réglementation de l'accès à l'eau ».

- Jean-Pierre Le Bourhis (Chargé de recherchs en sciences politiques au CNRS, CURAPP, UMR 6054, Amiens) : « De la loi sur l'eau à la gestion territoriale de la ressource. L'expérience française des SAGE après 15 ans de

mise en œuvre ».

12 h 30 : Déjeuner

14 h 00 : 3ème session : Les territoires de la patrimonialisation de l’eau

- Mohamed El Faïz (Professeur d'histoire économique, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Maroc) : « La gestion patrimoniale des ressources en eau : dimension historique et défis contemporains au Maroc ».

- Bruno Romagny (Chargé de recherches en économie à l’IRD, Laboratoire "Population-Environnement-Développement", UMR 151 IRD-Université d’Aix-Marseille) : « La gestion patrimoniale de l’eau au Maghreb : regards croisés Tunisie/Maroc ».

- Ioan Radu, Dorian Vladeanu, Minodora Ursăcescu, Mihai Cioc (Academia de Studii Economice Université de Bucarest, Roumanie) : « Contraintes et options stratégiques pour la gestion des ressources en eau : une perspective roumaine ».

16 h 15 : Pause-café

16 h 30 : 3ème session (suite) : Les territoires de la patrimonialisation de l’eau

- Stéphane Ghiotti (Chargé de recherches en géographie au CNRS, Laboratoire Mutations des Territoires en Europe, UMR CNRS, Université de Montpellier II) : « La patrimonialisation des fleuves et rivières : une comparaison France-Liban ».

- Henry Ollagnon (Professeur en gestion du vivant et stratégies patrimoniales à l’INA-PG, Paris) : « La gestion de la qualité de l'eau : quelles stratégies patrimoniales ? »

18 h 00 : Conclusion de la journée

Samedi 10 mars 2007 : Visite de terrain – Les wateringues du Nord-Pas-de-Calais : un patrimoine à gérer

Renseignements et réservations :

Nadine Hubert:

UFR AES - 9, rue du temple – BP 665 – 62030 ARRAS CEDEX France

+ 33 (0)3 21 60 37 62 ou

Olivier PETIT
Centre EREIA (EA 4026, Université d'Artois) et IFRESI-CNRS

Maître de Conférences en Sciences Economiques
Université d'Artois
UFR d'Administration Economique et Sociale
9, rue du Temple
BP 665

Tel : 03 21 60 49 52
Visitez le site de la Revue Développement Durable et Territoires :

January 11, 2007

Position: Conservation and Environmental Anthropologist

Please contact: Alaka Wali,, for additional information about this position.

This two-year grant-funded position focuses on working with partners and communities in South America to implement conservation programs.

The Center for Cultural Understanding and Change (CCUC) is part of the Environment, Culture and Conservation (ECCo) Division of The Field Museum. We work closely with the department of Environment and Conservation Programs (ECP) to identify, establish and sustain protected areas and their buffer zones. With our collaborators in ECP, we give equal consideration to the protection of biological and cultural diversity and the promotion of sustainable livelihoods for local communities. Our goal is to put specific knowledge to work for conservation of large tracts of wilderness while providing sustainable livelihoods for people in the surrounding communities.

Job Duties

Responsibilities include:

  • Train, resource-use map duties and assess social characteristics of communities
  • Work collaboratively with local South American partners to imlpement conservation programs
  • Contribute to grant writing, technical reports, publications and other materials for dissemination


A qualified candidate must have:

  • a Ph.D
  • Five years minimum field experience (may include dissertation research) working in community-based conservation
  • Fluency in spoken and written Spanish
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Excellent writing skills

Please direct them to or send CV and cover letter to

Applications will be accepted until February 28, 2007.

Thank you,

Alaka Wali

John Nuveen Curator of Anthropology

Director, Center for Cultural Understanding and Change

January 10, 2007

IASC 2007 North American Regional Conference

Theme: “Transitions in Defining and Utilizing North American Commons”
Host: Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Memorial University
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Dates: July 31 – August 3, 2007

Plenary speakers are:

Dr. Fikret Berkes
Professor and Canada Research Chair
University of Manitoba
Title of Talk: Governance systems and role of communities: The challenge of scale

Dr. Roberto Enriquez-Andrade
Facultad de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Title of Talk: Globalization and market pressures on Mexico’s marine and coastal commons: 12 years of NAFTA

Registration is now open and participants and observers are encouraged to register early for discounted conference rates at: . Individuals not wanting to register online may complete the attached registration form.

The theme of the meeting is “Transitions in Defining and Utilizing North American Commons.”

We welcome proposals for panels, workshops, directed discussion sessions, individual papers, and posters relating to the following topics:

* Societal vision, goals, and objectives regarding the Commons and human well being;
* Expanding conceptions of the Commons, including the ‘New Commons’;
* Reducing conflict, improving management, and increasing efficiency in traditional natural resource (e.g., fisheries, forestry, agriculture, wildlife, water) sectors;
* Out-migration and eroding human/social capital in resource-dependent rural regions;
* Global benefits versus local costs – sustaining local and regional stewardship capacity;
* Global costs versus local benefits – mitigating the external costs of local resource use;
* International institutions and the Commons (e.g., Kyoto Protocol, NAFO, NAFTA);
* Globalization and market pressures on North American common pool resources;
* Aboriginal perceptions, goals, and governance issues in North American Commons;
* Theoretical and methodological advances in Commons research;
* Commons research – making the transition from information to public policy; and
* Resource management and challenges in Newfoundland and Labrador (e.g., fishery collapses, rural out-migration, sealing, tourism development, hydroelectric development).

Panels, Workshops, Directed Discussions. Submit an abstract to organize a 1.5 hour concurrent panel session (3 to 4 speakers and session chair), workshop (a practically-oriented session with 2 or 3 speakers, session facilitator, and sufficient time for audience questions), or directed discussion (a facilitator(s) stimulates audience participation on a particular topic). Abstracts should be a maximum of 350 words and include names and affiliations of the organizer and individual presenters (if applicable). Abstracts for panels, workshops and directed discussions are due February 16, 2007. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent by March 9. Panel session presenters will need to submit an abstract for their individual papers by March 23 (see below).

Individual Papers. Submit an abstract to give a 20-minute oral presentation. Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words. Include the name, title and affiliation of each author. Abstracts will be peer reviewed and are due March 23, 2007. Confirmation of acceptance of the abstract will be sent by April 27, 2007. Final papers are due June 22, 2007 (details will be sent to authors upon abstract acceptance).

Posters. Submit an abstract to present a poster. Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words. Include the name, title and affiliation of each author. Posters can be used to present research results, case studies, or provide information about practitioner initiatives relating to the management of the Commons. Abstracts are due June 22, 2007.

Conference Proceedings. All abstracts and submitted papers will be made available online. All conference paper submissions will be peer reviewed and successful papers will be published in full in an edited conference volume.

Submission of Abstracts. All abstracts must be submitted electronically in Word, text, or PDF format. Abstracts should be submitted to the Conference Chair, Murray Rudd, via email (

Additional information about the venue, program, and accommodations is available on the conference website at: