March 23, 2010

13th Biennial IASC Conference
Call for Panels
1. Customizing Commons: Methods for Diversifying Institutional Design
Coordinated by Bryan Bruns --

2. Inside the natural resource bureaucracy: How does the internal organization of bureaucracies affect natural resource management?
Coordinated by Forrest Fleischman

3. Rural out-migration and resource dependent communities in a globalized world
Coordinated by James Patrick Robson and Prateep Kumar Nayak--
4. Call for Papers: IFRI and IFRI co-hosted panels for IASC 2011
As in years past, the International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI) research program ( plans to organize several panels at the 2011 annual meeting of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) in Hyderabad, India (10-14 January 2011; more information at . IFRI will co-host a number of panels with CIFOR (, as well as with the IFLEA project based at the Center for Development Research at the University of Bonn ( We invite paper contributions on the eight panel themes listed below:
1. Inequality in Forest Commons
2. Understanding Commons Institutions and Interactions across Scales
3. Comparative research on forests and forest commons
4. Forest Policy Decentralization in East Africa: Institutional and Livelihoods Change in East African Forest Landscapes (IFRI-IFLEA co-hosted panel)
5. Dynamics of Natural Resource Policy Decentralization
6. Methods for measuring vulnerability and adaption (IFRI-CIFOR co-hosted panel)
7. Climate Change and Governance (IFRI-CIFOR co-hosted panel)
8. Property Rights and Tenure in Forest Commons (IFRI-CIFOR co-hosted panel)

Please visit our website regularly for updated information on IASC activities at: